
Teamviewer command line linux
Teamviewer command line linux

Click on install and wait for the installation process to finish.It only requires Debian 9 or above and Ubuntu 16.04 and above installed on your PC. deb package on Debian and Ubuntu machines. If there is a newer version is available then replace the download link in the command lines with new ones. Just replace the version and architecture and you are good to go. You may want to refer to our article on how to check your computer CPU architecture here. A 32-bit CPU with at least SSE2 instruction ser.įirst, check the specs of your PC and install TeamViewer according to it.A 64-bit CPU with amd64/em64t or intel64 instruction set.Keep these things in mind before you start the installation process. TeamViewer is available for Linux distributions and this article is a step-by-step guide on how to install TeamViewer in your Linux system. Additionally, it supports video conferencing and audio or video group calls. As a free tech support software, TeamViewer is widely used by IT professionals and individuals.

teamviewer command line linux teamviewer command line linux

TeamViewer is one of the most popular application for controlling other PCs remotely.

Teamviewer command line linux